Our services
Paradigm empowers you with IT services. Find out how our products and services can help your administration.
Providing IT resources
Tailor-made digital transformation support service
Digital Transformation by Enterprise Architect (EA) is a customized digital transformation coaching service, tailoring each stage of the process to an organization's specific needs and maturity. This customized service will guide our customers from initial analysis to roadmap implementation, with additional governance, enterprise architecture and coaching options to ensure a complete and successful transformation.
IT Consultancy
Provision of IRISteam employees or external consultants. There are two specific procedures:
L'accord-cadre résulte d'un marché public visant la mise à disposition facilitée de consultants externes spécialisés, à...
Optimising administrative processes
Meeting management
The BOS (BO Secretariat) application enables optimum electronic management of the secretariat of any meeting or assembly (government, local council, Public Centre for Social Welfare, police zone ... ) and therefore a significant reduction in paper consumption. The platform can be accessed via a simple Internet connection by all the departments concerned and all the people involved (political representatives, councillors, ... ). All files are centralised in a single application.
Digitalisation of planning and environmental permits
Nova is a cross-departmental IT platform for the administrations of the Brussels-Capital Region, dedicated to dossier management for planning, subdivision and environmental permits, planning offences and requests for planning information.
Solving IT problems
IT SM is a service which, thanks to a regional platform, enables public authorities to manage all their IT tickets efficiently by setting up automated resolution workflows. Requests are sent to the customer's IT department or to Paradigm, depending on governance.
Translation of administrative documents
Trados is a tool for translators that memorises sentence segments and words. Each new element translated is added to a translation memory that can be shared by all translators using the platform. The software allows terms and segments from previous translations to be retrieved. It indicates what has not already been translated and then suggests various translation options. Page layout and formatting are also supported.
Digitisation of incoming mail
Notero is a basic service that digitises incoming mail (scanning), distributes it to the right people and stores it in Alfresco (Brussels DC). Notero can be accessed using a simple web browser.
Simplifying relations with citizens and businesses
CRM (or Customer Relationship Management) is a regional tool that enables institutions to simplify their relations with citizens and businesses. It aims to automate and organise the flow of data required for administrative procedures between citizens and institutions. It enables a simple, fast and reliable service to be provided to citizens.
Electronic signature of documents
eSign is Paradigm's regional web and mobile electronic signature platform, enabling public authorities to increase efficiency by digitising their approval workflows. Institutions can sign or request a signature in compliance with the legal framework, both internally and externally.
Property management
The HMS (Housing Management System) service is a software package that provides social property management functions for the administrative departments of public or similar institutions. The service is fully in line with Brussels regional regulations.
Unlike other property management tools, HMS draws as much information as possible from authentic sources and is a tailor-made tool for Brussels public institutions (or similar).
Property management
The HMS (Housing Management System) service is a software package that provides social property management functions for the administrative departments of public or similar institutions. The service is fully in line with Brussels regional regulations.
Unlike other property management tools, HMS draws as much information as possible from authentic sources and is a tailor-made tool for Brussels public institutions (or similar).
Making the most of regional data
Valorisation des données régionales
Le partage des données entre les différents acteurs publics et le développement de modèles innovants (AI, Data Science,...
Accès aux sources authentiques
Fidus est un intégrateur de données issues des sources authentiques de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, qui permet à...
Conformité RGPD
Les entreprises privées et les institutions publiques sont tenues d’observer un certain nombre de règles strictes...
Partage des données ouvertes de la Région
Datastore est le portail informatique qui centralise les données ouvertes produites en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.
Outsource the hosting of your IT ecosystem
Paradigm provides different types of secure hosting space to suit its customers' profiles. These spaces enable all types of data to be backed up efficiently and reliably. Paradigm offers 3 levels of hosting service:
Website hosting
Paradigm offers 3 levels of hosting. Shared Web Hosting is the first level, enabling you to host PHP-compatible domains and sites (Django, Joomla, WordPress, etc.) using a pre-configured hosting space with a self-service portal. This system allows you to manage your environment completely independently (except DNS).
Hosting on virtual private servers
Virtual Private Server is the intermediate level offering a hosting space equipped with an operating system. This frees administrations from having to manage a server room, physical components and the system layer.
Any customer who subscribes to a hosting solution is also entitled to a DNS solution.
Hosting on a virtual data centre
The Virtual Data Centre solution enables virtual servers to be deployed autonomously in a few minutes in a virtual data centre installed in one of Paradigm's secure data centres in the Brussels region.
Backing up local information systems
The Backup online solution enables data to be backed up efficiently, reliably and securely. There's no longer any need to manage a local backup: everything is done "online", automatically and systematically, via the IRISnet network. Backups are stored, secured and encrypted in the Regional Data Centre.
Securing the IT ecosystem
Paradigm offers a wide range of services to ensure the protection of its customers' IT systems and data, and guarantees the best response times for resolving incidents.
Network protection against attacks
The UTM Firewall service is an all-in-one solution that strengthens local network protection by reducing the risk of virus infection via the Internet, and provides a range of security functions:
- network firewall anti-virus software
- anti-spyware software
- anti-spam protection
- intrusion prevention and detection web content filtering leak prevention
Device protection against viruses
The Antivirus service enables administrations to protect workstations and servers in real time against online threats: viruses, spyware, backdoors, Trojans, ...
Secure internal network
The Virtual Private Network (VPN) service offers a wide range of applications and provides immediate access to all or part of the LAN (Local Area Network) via an Internet connection. Data is optimally protected, with no impact on the user: browsing speed is not disrupted in any way.
Managing employees' office automation
Technical assistance for IT equipment
The IT Assistance service is a one-off, on-demand helpdesk for local hardware (desktop, laptop and local servers), OS and the extended office suite (MS, Apple, Antivirus, VPN, local security) for the regional entities.
Ordering IT products and services
The eCatalogue is an IT platform for centralising online IT orders from institutions in the Brussels-Capital Region. The result is a faster, easier and more secure service, as well as very competitive prices.
Discover our eCatalogue
To connect, you need :
An electronic identity card (eID) with the pin code, an electronic identity card reader, the eID Viewer software.
You can also log in via the Itsme mobile application, using a 5-digit code or a fingerprint.
Ordering IT products and services
The eCatalogue is an IT platform for centralising online IT orders from institutions in the Brussels-Capital Region. The result is a faster, easier and more secure service, as well as very competitive prices.
Discover our eCatalogue
To connect, you need :
An electronic identity card (eID) with the pin code, an electronic identity card reader, the eID Viewer software.
You can also log in via the Itsme mobile application, using a 5-digit code or a fingerprint.
Making it easier for citizens to get involved
IRISbox, the electronic service counter for government agencies
IRISbox is the electronic service counter of the Brussels-Capital Region that offers online regional and local...
Digital inclusion actors
On 13 December 2018, the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region approved a memorandum on e-inclusion. This first...
Improving life in the Brussels Region
FixMyStreet - Report incidents in the open space
The internet and mobile platform FixMyStreet allows the public and the authorities to report incidents in the Brussels...